Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Master Diego

It was truly a Star Wars Christmas at the George house...Diego especially was showered with Star Wars toys and Granny even made him the coolest Jedi cape ever! So cute!

Fun fun

Merry Christmay to me! Lovin my new coat! Its warm and cozy and even reversable:) It'll be perfect for our crazy cold winters in SLC.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I've always loved the Nativity...what an amazing moment that must have been...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Yes that's my car after a long day at work...gotta love the snow!
The view outside the kitchen window when I woke up this morning:)

Well winter has finally arrived. It's the middle of December and aside for a few snow flurries in Oct this is our first big storm. You'd think living in the mountains would prepare people for driving in snowy conditions, but you'd be surprised. Yesterday I spent the day slipping and sliding around the streets, watching people slide off the road as they tried to turn or stop on the slushy ground, unable to find traction. I really do take for granted that my tires are going to find pavement. There's really not much you can do but sit back and enjoy the ride when you're sliding on the snow covered ground...fun fun!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thanks Tracey!

The other day I went over to my friend Tracey's house for lunch and she gave me my Christmas present. Its a photo box full of beautiful live plants. Its so pretty and is perfect for my office. Hopefully I can keep the plants alive for a little while...we'll see. Thanks Tracey...you're the best!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Visit with Grandma George

Mom and Dad flew in for a quick trip. We ran down to see Grandma and they were on their way back in the morning. Its been a blessing to be close enough to visit her every now and again. Love ya Grandma!